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Several things indicate that it’s time to replace your old furnace with a new energy-efficient system. The signs include abrupt temperature swings, high operating expenses, and loud noises. Call a qualified HVAC system repair expert in Arlington, VA in your region to discuss the newest energy-efficient furnaces in the market when you need to make a good decision regarding a furnace replacement.

It is vital to establish a secure and pleasant atmosphere at home, whether for scorching summer, rainy days, or snowstorms in the winter. However, if your present gas furnace isn’t keeping you warm this winter, it may be time to replace it. How to know if your furnace needs replacement? To be sure of that, use the following checklist:

  1. Consider the Age of the Furnace
    What is the average lifespan of a conventional furnace? In a typical home, the life of a furnace is generally 15 to 30 years. Hiring our trained expert to perform maintenance and repairs once a year is the simplest method to extend the life of your furnace. However, 15 years after the first installation, it is advised that you start looking for a furnace replacement. Additionally, an ancient furnace’s lifespan is also influenced by the kind of fuel it uses to heat your house. Many homes prefer to install a new electric furnace rather than repairing an existing gas system since they have a longer average lifespan of 20–30 years, compared to 15–20 years for gas furnaces.
  2. Fluctuations in Domestic Temperature
    Sudden temperature variations in various areas of your home are a strong indication that it’s time to contact a professional contractor about making a replacement. Likewise, temperature fluctuations may also indicate the same. Once a furnace hits the 15-year mark, it will gradually become less effective and lose its capacity to transfer heat evenly across your home’s higher and lower floors.
    The furnace is one of the most energy-intensive appliances in modern houses. Therefore its efficiency has a direct impact on your bottom line. When winter approaches, keep an eye on your monthly energy expenses. If you’re spending a lot more than last year but your consumption hasn’t gone up, your furnace may need replacement.
  3. Excess Dust in Your House
    You may be able to control dust, but no matter how well you clean, you will never be able to eliminate it completely. Your furnace may not be performing its job of removing airborne particles from the warmed air if you observe a rise in dust in your house despite your best attempts to eliminate it. Check the furnace filter, and clean or replace it if required. Replace the filter every few months as a habit.

Repair or Replacement: Which One is Wiser?

Newer, well-maintained appliances are more likely to operate at optimal efficiency; older appliances are less likely to do so. Repair may be possible to improve efficiency depending on the conditions. If not, the rise in running expenses may be sufficient to justify the installation of a replacement unit. Contact our HVAC system repair expert in Arlington right away.