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Furnace Tune-up

Are you paying hefty heating bills, or is your furnace making any strange sounds? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then there’s a high probability that your furnace tune-up is long overdue.

If you are looking for a heating expert for your furnace servicing needs then get in touch with us at AVS Heating & Air Conditioning. To schedule an appointment or to talk to one of our experts, call (703) 873-7484 (VA Customers) or (301) 686-7129 (MD Customers).

8 Common Signs That Your Furnace Needs a Tune-up

Here are some of the most common reasons a furnace needs a tune-up:

1. Your Furnace Is Unable To Maintain a Comfortable Home Temperature

If your furnace is unable to keep your home warm and cozy, or you have hot and cold spots in your home, then it could be a sign that your furnace needs a tune-up. Similarly, if any room in your home is exceptionally hotter or cooler than other parts of your home, then this too could be an indication that your furnace needs a tune-up. Allow our professional to check your furnace to diagnose the exact issue.

2. Your Home is Dustier Than Usual

If your home’s indoor air quality has degraded, chances are that your air filter is dirty or clogged. Clean or replace your filter to see if that helps. In case it doesn’t, then chances are that there’s dirt buildup in the vents or the air ducts. Call our heating system expert for a furnace tune-up. Note – Homes that have pets or frequent visitors are more prone to dust and dirt buildup. In that case, you might have to schedule more frequent furnace tune-ups than usual.

3. Your Furnace Is Giving Out a Bad Odor

Sometimes, your furnace might produce a foul smell. For instance, your furnace might smell like burning plastic which could indicate that there’s an electrical problem or your furnace motor is overheated. Similarly, if your furnace smells like car exhaust, then chances are that your furnace’s exhaust pipe is clogged. In both cases, the issue could have been avoided by a regular furnace tune-up.

4. Your Furnace Is Making Unusual Noises

Is your furnace making any unusual sounds? If yes, then that’s probably because your furnace tune-up is overdue. Usually, the most common furnace noises that you might hear include – rattling, clicking, banging, whistling, and popping. Most of these sounds occur because of loose furnace components, ignition issues, motor blower issues, and more. All these sounds are indicative of a furnace problem that requires an immediate tune-up.

5. Your Energy Bills Have Gone Up Recently

It is common for the heating bills to go up during the frigid winter months when you have to operate your furnace for longer hours. However, if your heating bills have skyrocketed despite no substantial change in your consumption pattern, then chances are that your furnace requires a tune-up. Ideally, you must have your furnace serviced once every six months or at least once every year to avoid such issues.

6. There’s a Lack of Airflow

Sometimes, your heating system might produce adequate heat, but it might still not offer enough airflow. In most scenarios, such issues are caused due to lack of furnace tune-ups. Ensuring regular furnace tune-ups helps get rid of dirt and debris buildup in the air ducts and vents which are some of the most common causes of reduced airflow. Besides, reduced airflow might also occur due to damaged or worn-out parts. A regular furnace tune-up helps identify such issues early on.

7. The Pilot Light Is Yellow or Orange

Usually, when a pilot light burns, it is blue in color. But in some cases, the pilot light might be yellow or orange in color. This might indicate that the furnace isn’t working efficiently, or it could indicate that there’s a carbon monoxide leak. In both cases, you need to schedule a furnace tune-up on an immediate basis. Note – Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless and odorless gas and so it is hard to detect a CO leak. Therefore it’s best to have a carbon monoxide detector. Also, you shouldn’t ignore the following signs of a CO leak – lightheadedness, headache, vomiting

8. Your Furnace Keeps Turning On and Off

There are various reasons why a furnace keeps turning on and off on a frequent basis. For instance, a faulty thermostat can lead to short cycling issues. Similarly, dust and debris buildup in the furnace can lead to overheating issues which can further lead to short cycling problems. It is, therefore, recommended that one must have their furnace tuned up on a regular basis. Note – short cycling not only leads to increased power consumption, but it can also lead to premature part replacement.

Furnace Service We Offer

At AVS Heating & Air Conditioning, we offer all types of furnace-related service. Here are some of the most important ones:

If you are looking for a way to ensure your furnace is ready to tackle the frigid winter season, scheduling a furnace tune-up is the way to go. A furnace tune-up will not just help improve the efficiency of your heating system, but it will also help extend its lifespan and prevent costly repairs. Don’t wait until the last minute to schedule your tune-up. We suggest getting your furnace serviced before the cold weather hits.

To schedule an appointment, feel free to get in touch with us at AVS Heating & Air Conditioning. Call (703) 873-7484 (VA Customers) or (301) 686-7129 (MD Customers).

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