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Winter heating is a major expense for many residents and can make up about half of your annual home energy bill. If you’re looking to cut back on your costs and be kinder to the environment, switching to an eco-friendly heating system is a brilliant idea. Here at AVS Heating & Air Conditioning, we offer an eco-friendly alternative to your standard heat pump systems. Our expert heating furnace repair technicians will analyze your local weather and the size of your home to recommend the best energy solution for you.

What Do Eco-Friendly Heating Systems Mean?

The term ‘eco-friendly’ heating system is used to describe any product that has a minimal negative impact on the environment. It’s important to understand that this doesn’t just apply to green products but also to things like renewable energy sources and recycling. Eco-friendly heating systems use renewable energy resources, minimize energy consumption, and help reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere while saving you money on utility bills.

Benefits of Using Eco-Friendly Home Heating Systems

Eco-friendly home heating systems are better for you, your family, and the planet. The following are some of the benefits of using eco-friendly heating systems:

  • Lower fuel bills: An eco-friendly heating system can help you lower your monthly fuel bills by as much as 50%. That means even if it costs more initially, it will pay off in the long run by saving you money on your monthly bills for years to come.
  • Lesser heating furnace repair costs: One benefit of these eco-friendly systems is that they have a longer life expectancy than conventional ones. It means you will not have to incur any major repair costs for several years. When you compare this with conventional heating systems, which require frequent heating repair services, it is easy to see why many people opt for eco-friendly options.
  • Reduced carbon footprint: Eco-friendly heating systems reduce your carbon footprint significantly because they don’t release harmful gases into the atmosphere that contribute to ozone layer depletion and climate change. It helps protect our environment by reducing global warming and pollution caused by greenhouse gases like CO2 emissions from traditional fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas.
  • Less risk of carbon monoxide poisoning: Gas furnaces and boilers are prone to carbon monoxide leaks, which can be deadly if inhaled in large amounts by humans or animals alike. Not to mention, if there are leaks in your pipes or ventilation system, you need to call a heating repair service immediately to prevent health threats. An eco-friendly heating system uses less fuel at a time, so there’s less chance of a leak occurring while it’s running.
  • Tax credits: By using an eco-friendly option, you can take advantage of rebates from local utility companies or tax incentives from state and federal governments. Contact our heating furnace repair company in Gainesville to upgrade your home’s comfort and energy efficiency at affordable prices today!

6 Most Eco-Friendly Home Heating Systems to Use

It’s important to know that there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to heating your home. The most eco-friendly system for you is the one that meets your needs at a reasonable cost and with minimal impact on your wallet and the environment. Here are the top six sustainable and efficient home heating systems in 2022.

Wood Burning Stoves

Wood burners are by far the most eco-friendly and cost-effective heating systems. They burn wood efficiently and reduce the amount of gas or electricity required to run them. The heat produced by a wood stove is also much more efficient than that produced by an open fireplace.

The heat produced by a wood stove is distributed throughout your home, keeping it warm and cozy. These stoves can be installed in any room, including bedrooms and living rooms. A wood-burning stove is definitely worth considering if you’re looking for an alternative way to stay warm this winter! Our team of HVAC experts specializes in installing and repairing wood burners for residential and commercial use alike. Contact us for a free consultation and schedule your installation or heating repair service in Manassas!

Geothermal or Ground Source Heating Systems

Geothermal or ground source heating systems use the earth’s temperature or own energy to provide warmth for your home. These eco-friendly systems use a network of pipes drilled underground that are filled with water and circulate it around the house using pumps. The water absorbs the sun’s energy during the day, so it remains warm even on cold days when no other heating system would work well enough.

The up-front costs of a geothermal system are high since they require perforating into the ground and running pipes through your home.

However, they are more stable than other types of green energy sources and can save homeowners money in the long run. In addition, they are also quiet, so they don’t interfere with outdoor activities like gardening or enjoying nature in your backyard!

Biomass Heating System

Biomass heating systems use organic matter such as wood chips, corn cobs, or mulch as fuel to release energy and produce hot water. These systems work by burning biomass which generates steam at very high temperatures, which powers central heating or pumps hot water into radiators for space heating. This makes them very efficient and economical as well. These systems don’t produce any emissions and are great for people who have access to organic waste material like sawdust or mill waste. If you live in Virginia and Maryland and are looking for an affordable biomass heating system, contact our heating furnace repair company at (703) 457-9028 and (301) 686-7129, respectively.

Solar Heating Systems

Solar energy is free and abundant. So, these systems are ideal for those who seek a cost-effective and environmentally-friendly option and intend to reduce their carbon footprint while lowering utility bills. However, they can be expensive to install and maintain. Solar heating systems consist of panels that absorb the sun’s rays during the day, converting them into thermal energy that is stored in a tank inside your home. The tank then releases the stored energy when needed during the night or on cloudy days. You can use them to heat water for showering, bathing, cooking, and cleaning. They are not dependent on fossil fuels, so they do not contribute to global warming or air pollution.

Air-Source Heat Pumps

Air-source heat pumps are another most eco-friendly heating system available in the market. They use a combination of air and electricity to transfer heat from the outside air to your home, which makes them very efficient. The average air-source heat pump system can cut your energy costs by up to 75% compared with oil or gas furnaces. These systems can be used in both new and older homes and are usually connected to your existing ductwork.

Infrared Heating Systems

Infrared heaters work by emitting infrared light that heats up objects in their path. The heat produced is similar to the sun’s rays, but it doesn’t have UV rays, nor doesn’t it bounce back as sunlight does. Infrared heat is absorbed by objects and converted into thermal energy. They’re eco-friendly because they don’t produce any carbon monoxide or other harmful gases like fossil fuel-powered heating systems do. This is why they’re often used in saunas or spas where users can feel the heat on their bodies directly.

Looking for expert, quality heating furnace repair services in Mclean, Gainesville, Manassas, and nearby areas? Call AVS Heating & Air Conditioning at (703) 457-9028 and (301) 686-7129 today!