Home / Blog / Furnaces Tips / How do you know When it’s Time to Replace Your Furnace?

It is hard to imagine spending a single day without a proper heating system in the winter season. If your furnace happens to break down unexpectedly during a cold day or night, do not attempt to fix the problem yourself. Contact us for HVAC Furnace Repair in Chantilly without delay. As the owner, it is wise to know if your system requires repair or replacement. Some signs will tell you that it’s time for furnace replacement. Continue reading for more information.

1. Furnace turned 10+ years old

A furnace demands maintenance. That is the truth, but still, it has a certain lifespan. A good quality furnace unit is efficient till the 15 years of age maximum. The furnaces don’t come with expiry dates, but the behavior and performance say that so. It is vital to keep a check on furnace age. The older system demands more maintenance and is less efficient. It is unnecessary if the furnace is old, so replace it, but if you know, it keeps an eye on its performance.

2. Decreasing indoor warmth

Even though the heat is on, feeling cold indoors provides perhaps the most obvious motivation for taking a close look at your furnace. The temperature drop can be because of thermostat issues, air leaking cracks, or burner malfunctions.

3. Gradual spike in energy bills

The furnace takes the maximum energy in the household. The efficiency of the furnace decides the amount of energy withdrawn. The less efficient system will draw more power resulting in high bills. The repair can boost the furnace’s performance, but that will be temporary if the system is old. If the issue persists, try furnace repair once or twice; otherwise, invest in a new one. The increase in operating costs is a big issue that can lose you a lot of money over some time.

4. Check for abnormal sounds or smell

While physically inspecting your furnace, check for some unusual foul smells and strange sounds. The repair can sort both the issues but the intensity of the problems decides if it needs replacement. The annoying sound may point towards some significant mechanical damage. The unusual smell around the furnace needs professional attention.

5. Dust is all over the place

If you notice an increase in dust composition around your house even if you’re cleaning it daily, check on your furnace. When the furnace cannot filter harmful dust particles even after replacing air filters, consider replacing it. Our expert says the air filters need replacement every 1-3 months. To prevent complete damage to your HVAC system, consider changing the furnace. For heating deals including Heating Furnace Repair Chantilly, get in touch with our technicians at (703) 783-7562.