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Imagine purchasing an expensive heating system and realizing that it’s not working correctly. We understand that this situation would provoke a sense of frustration.

Did you know an improper HVAC system’s installation can cut down its efficiency by almost 30 percent? We cannot emphasize enough the importance of hiring a qualified heating and cooling contractor to perform the installation.

Are you wondering how to identify whether the installation is done right? This article will guide you through it. If you are still unsure, you can always opt for a second opinion or schedule an in-person visit of a technician to inspect it for you.

There are several mistakes that a service technician can make while installing your HVAC system. Some of the most common mistakes they make are following:

Gaps and Leaks

Leaving out gaps and leakages during the installation is the most persistent mistake made by service technicians. The problem area can either be at the installation point or ductwork. Spotting leakages in ductwork is not easy, as the gap can be small, yet it can lead to significant air loss. As a result, your HVAC system will have trouble reaching the desired temperature.

If you suspect any problem, schedule an inspection right away to avoid any further harm to your unit. Gaps can widen over time and deteriorate the efficacy of your system.

Wrong Size

If your HVAC unit is too big or small for your house, it will be problematic. An HVAC technician determines the right size of the HVAC system by a detailed inspection of your home. The types of walls you have, ventilation system, and size determine the right size for you.

If your heating and cooling unit is undersized, it will struggle to reach the desired heating level and break down more often. Similarly, an oversized unit can result in skyrocketing energy bills and excessive moisture in the indoor environment.

Exhaust Issues

While you get your HVAC unit in place, there is a possibility that it may have some exhaust issues, making your carbon monoxide detector go off! That’s why make sure that the technician checks the exhaust flue and the damper for proper functioning. These components prevent carbon monoxide (CO) in your house.

CO is a poisonous and colorless gas, prolonged exposure to which can prove to be fatal. If you do not have a CO detector, get one installed right now, as it can be a lifesaver device.

Air Flow Design

An incorrect airflow design can significantly hamper your HVAC system’s efficiency and the comfort it provides. Improper airflow is one of the common problems with the heating and cooling system. With a lousy ductwork design, you are likely to have hot and cold spots in your house.

Secondly, the problem can result in high heating bills. With uneven temperatures, your system will use more energy to keep the temperature even in the building. It puts a strain on the heating system, reducing its average lifespan.

Insufficient Drainage

During the installation of the HVAC system, ensure that there is enough drainage available. Your HVAC system produces more wastewater than you can imagine. If there’s a lack of water drainage, it causes damage to your property. Not only this, accumulated water is a breeding ground for mosquitoes, molds, and bacteria.

If you are looking for a reliable HVAC contractor in Fairfax, for HVAC system installation, call us at VA (703) 783-7562 or MD (301) 686-7129. Our certified technicians value your time and hard-earned money. They’ll ensure to deliver the best and most efficient services.