Home / Blog / Air Conditioner Comparison / 5 Reasons For Spike In Your Bills

In the summer months, the use of air conditioners begins to increase as the temperature cannot be tolerated without proper cooling indoors. Air conditioners use a lot of electricity, but they will cost you more energy if they are less efficient. That’s why it’s important to understand what contributes to an increase in kilowatt usage and overall cost.

One of the main causes of increased electricity bills is a faulty AC unit. High electricity bills indicate that the system is not functioning properly and may require proper AC repair.

List of Causes Of High Electricity Bills

We’ve defined a list of possible causes of air conditioners’ increasing energy bills for your convenience. Take the time to consider which of the following might contribute to the problem and get it fixed soon. Contact us for air conditioning installation in Arlington, VA, to reduce your escalated energy bills.

  • Dirty Air Filter: One of the most common causes of skyrocketing energy bills from air conditioning use is dirty air filters. HVAC owners sometimes don’t remember to change filters regularly, and the buildup of debris restricts airflow through the ducts, taking longer for the system to cool each room.
  • Duct Leaks: Ducts play an important role in system efficiency as they distribute air throughout the house and ensure the desired results from the air conditioner. Duct leaks reduce the system’s ability to distribute air and meet thermostat requirements. If the air conditioner takes a long time to satisfy the thermostat, it will work harder.
  • Improper Maintenance: All devices need service from time to time, and proper maintenance of AC devices can help reduce your electricity bill. It is very important to check the service before proceeding with the repair. Either way, proper maintenance can improve the device’s efficiency and reduce overall energy costs.
  • Poor Insulation: You can have the best air conditioner globally, but if you don’t have good insulation, you’ll be letting out your cool air. Proper insulation can help owners keep the house cool by lowering the temperature and making the device last longer.
  • Refrigerant Leaks: The coolant begins to leak when the refrigerant leaks, causing the liquid to be unevenly distributed, resulting in temperature fluctuations. Because the leak’s location affects the total cost of repairs, it is recommended that you have your system checked once a year.

If you are on the search for AC installation near me, look no further than AVS Heating and Air Conditioning. Contact us for maintenance and let us periodically check your air conditioning system. If you’ve noticed a significant spike in your electricity bill, it’s most likely due to one of these five issues, and you should contact us today!